LOVE IT: The Cookbook Stand

I love a great find.

Enter Exhibit A: The Bamboo Panda Cookbook Stand from HABITAT.


Every great cook needs a great kitchen.  And every great kitchen needs a great…cookbook stand. Would you agree Ms. naokoEats?

Think of it as a little piece of practical-design heaven on the counter.  Not only is it great to look at {display your favourite cookbook as subliminal inspiration}, but it is also so clever {no more flipping through your cookbook with cookie-dough fingers on the floured counter!}.

Although there are many different ones on the market, this particular one from HABITAT ticks all the boxes for me: practical, great design, affordable {£15}.

Throw in Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook, Notes From My Kitchen Table  {sold as My Father’s Daughter in North America}, and this duo is my go-to present for special friends {A, you love it, no?}.


{The front view}


{The side view}


{I wonder if Ms. Paltrow has one of these?}

So for turning ‘recipe reading’ into ‘recipease reading’,  I give this one a very spot-on ‘it’.  Just LOVE IT.

Here are some other examples from: John Lewis and Williams Sonoma.

All images via Me, Myself and I


I love tea.

The glass teapot

Tea anyone?

Persian Rose Petal Tea (or chai as it’s called – pronounced cha-ee) to Indian Chai  (my grandmother used to make it for me  from her days living in India), relaxing Camomile Tea to healthy Green Tea, fresh Mint Tea and dates to detoxing Nettle Tea, English Breakfast Tea to Earl Grey Tea.  This tea to that tea.  Well, you get the idea.  In fact, I once thought about having a blog about ‘tea’ called…(stay tuned!)

Shall we?

A colourful treat

In particular, I love drinking it when it is pretty to look at.  Half the experience is in the eyes.  That is why I love the glass teapot.

Too steamy!

It is a simple, sensible and modern design.  It’s perfectly pleasing on the eyes, especially for drinking herbal teas (imagine the beauty of a Jasmine flower blooming in the hot water).  And it makes an ordinary experience feel like an extraordinary one.  The glass teapot, very ‘it’ indeed. Oh, and I just LOVE IT.

You can get yours here or here.

All photographs via Me